Dr. Edwards offers effective approaches for transforming the mind and body for optimal living. These include:
Optimal Mind® Training – combines multiple modalities to positively transform your mind and your life whether you are interested in peak performance, professional development, academic success, or a richer, more meaningful life.
Transpersonal Depth Work – only for adults, psycho-spiritual depth work for personal growth which incorporates Jungian approaches, cognitive/behavioral work, meditation, and spiritual development as needed.
Meditation and Mindfulness Plus Training – individual and group training in a variety of practices including mindfulness techniques, mantra meditation, Buddhist and yogic practices, and practices from western spiritual traditions. Visit thesoulsjourney.com for more information.
Deep Relaxation and Breath Training – teaches you to access profound states of relaxation to improve sleep, lower blood pressure, manage pain, decrease anxiety and feel extraordinarily good!
Retreats, seminars, and courses – these can be developed for groups and businesses.