Dr. Edwards offers transpersonal depth work to adults interested in this type of transformative process. Working with him you will learn cognitive, psycho-physiological, transpersonal and meditative methods for transforming your life. Dr. Edwards draws on his extensive background and training in western and eastern psychological traditions, including transpersonal psychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, Jungian archetypal psychology and dreamwork. In addition, Dr. Edwards has more than 45 years of experience practicing and teaching meditative, spiritual and yogic approaches to self-transformation.
Transpersonal Psychology (TP) grew out of Humanistic Psychology in the early 1970’s. It adds to traditional western psychology a spiritual dimension that fills the void left by behavioral and Freudian approaches that dismissed the profound meaning of life and the support many people derive from their connection with the Transcendent – the Divine – by whatever name one might call it. Naturally TP doesn’t force a person to view life from that perspective, but it doesn’t automatically exclude, dismiss or pathologize it as some traditional western psychological perspectives do.
TP integrates accepted psychotherapeutic treatments for emotional, physical and stress related problems with the wisdom and practices of our ancient spiritual traditions, thus creating a powerful approach to healing and transformation. Rather than focusing solely on pathology, TP draws our attention to optimal states of well-being, higher states of consciousness, and ways of accessing them through meditation, dreams and visions, prayer and more. It is used by people interested in personal growth as well as clinical issues. Depending on a person’s interests and needs sessions may be scheduled on a regular basis or only when the need arises.